Newsletter September 2018




Newsletter September 2018

Dear friends and readers,
A short update on the results of our partners and announcement of upcoming events.
Comments and questions can be posted below.

News from our partnerships

Our partner Reforestation World has had very positive results with its public events, where Sustinova provided operational support, and in adding new platform members and expanding its online information content. Reforestation World is a platform dedicated to the promotion of forest restoration efforts and sustainable livelihoods around the world.

Three public events were conducted over the Summer, in Zürich and Basel. The main highlight was the “Draw a Tree, we plant it!” action where visitors could draw a tree and select with which member project it should be planted or protected, with Reforestation World making the corresponding donations. A total of 600 drawings were made by visitors, mostly families but also single adults, resulting in the engagement and direct reaching of over 1200 people. The overall results and distribution are presented here. In addition, the interest on the main topics and on member organisations was also noteworthy. We’ll be looking forward to upcoming activities.

In our previous newsletter, we also highlighted the "Latsis Symposium ETH 2018 “Scaling-up forest Restoration", which was organised by the ETHZ Chair of Ecosystem Management last June at the ETH Zürich. The event had a good attendance and mix of stakeholders. The different contributions made by the speakers, covering research and practice from different perspectives, are available online here. We strongly recommend reading through these.

Highlighted events

Lastly, we would like to highlight the upcoming “Oceans Vitality Forum”, which will take place in Zürich on October 2nd, 2018. The objective of the forum is to gather a diverse group of individuals and companies under one roof to engage in dialogue and generate ideas and action for ocean vitality.  If you would like to attend the Forum then please complete the online registration for Delegate Ticket using SFTO1 as a password. There will be a nominal charge of CHF 80.- to cover catering costs.


These cooperation efforts follow our overall approach of linking stakeholders but with a strategic focus in the area of ecosystem restoration. Our aim is to support the work of these groups while establishing new links to practitioners, scientific community and the general public.

Thank you for reading and enjoy the late Summer days!
The Sustinova Team


Contact us

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For specific inquiries, please contact one of our team members directly.

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We will get back to you soon.